Start Taking Essential MeasuresTM

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) for learners of all ages 
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Enroll in online courses for you

Sign up for courses to learn something new, refresh a skillset or to help with learning difficult topics while in school

Live webinars and guest lecturers

Invited experts, as well as our accomplished team of collaborators will present scheduled lectures or workshops on various STEM topics.

For all learners 

Learn STEM Skills because you need to or because you want to. Courses in specific subjects or for enrichment are offered.

Many types of learning activities

Customized courses with videos, quizzes, live lessons, exams, PDF downloads and many other types of content.

What our learners say about us

easy to follow | quality content | great user experience | my grades improved | I understand math better

Explore our fascinating courses

More from our students

The STEM Skills learning platform made learning science and math easy and fun with animated videos and a clear explanation of concepts.
Alex Cromwell
Online learning has become an essential part of our society. STEM Skills was an excellent way for college students like me to get extra help in physics from an expert.
Tyron Giles
The various categories and options for learning new skills and refreshing old ones are superb. STEM Skills is a great resource!
Carol Toney
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Frequently asked questions

How is STEM Skills different from other online course platforms?

STEM Skills is focused on the individual categories of STEM topics; from basic to advanced levels taught by experts in each area of study. The digital content is visually rich with animations and graphics, and the modules are narrated and annotated for a more personal learning experience. Course content can be presented in multiple ways: videos, eBooks, audio, pdf, embeds, etc. The platform also has a variety of features to engage the learner such as social learning tools, a Daily News feed with real-time relevant STEM content, and a robust social media module.

Will there be exams and quizzes? 

Yes, a variety of assessments are included to help you determine your progress in a course.

What courses should I take?

We offer a number of different learning paths; you are invited to choose the ones that best meet your needs.

How do I get in touch with my instructor?

Questions may be asked by sending a message directly to the instructor. Under the Me tab is the Inbox where you can send and receive messages directly on the STEM Skills platform.